Seamless Collaboration with AutoCAD and Autodesk DOCS

Seamless Collaboration with AutoCAD and Autodesk DOCS
Date: 17 April 2023
Venue: Zoom Meeting

Thank You for Joining Our Webinar on “Seamless Collaboration with AutoCAD and Autodesk Docs”! A heartfelt THANK YOU to all our amazing attendees who made our webinar an absolute success! In this enlightening session, we explored the power of seamless collaboration with AutoCAD and Autodesk Docs, unlocking the true potential of teamwork with the latest technology.

-During the webinar, we covered valuable topics including:
-Understanding how to connect your existing workflows to the Construction Cloud platform
-Exploring how AutoCAD data can be shared using Autodesk Docs with Desktop Connector
-Adopting new technology platform workflows to work efficiently, maximizing project performance, and navigating and resolving issues
-Leveraging product features to ensure the entire project team has access to the latest data and design documentation from anywhere, anytime

We hope you gained valuable insights and learned how to enhance your teamwork skills, making your projects more efficient and productive than ever before. The journey towards stronger collaboration and innovation has just begun, and we couldn’t be more excited to have you with us! Stay tuned for more upcoming webinars and events that will further elevate your skills and expertise.
The future is bright, and we’re thrilled to have you as part of our community!


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